Regis☆3 Official Fan Page
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Meet the Idols
Jinzou Jiai
- Age : 15 forever
- ✦ Height : 5’7’’ (175 cm)
- ✦ Pronouns : she/her
- ✦ Personal pronoun : あたし (Atashi)
Description :
Jiai is the cutest member of regis☆3 and thus her performances consist of putting on a cute persona to cater to her fans. She is, however, also the most easily aggravated sister, and just as she puts passion into her performance she also doesn’t pull back punches. She’ll readily attack anyone she’s ordered to via her programming or who goes against the status quo.
She’s deep into the idea of the unbreakable bond of sisterhood, and when Saki goes against this she can’t handle it and it activates the inferiority complex that had lied dormant until then. This “bug” in her programming makes her stronger and work harder than before, making her a more difficult foe.
Trivia :
- 人造 (Jinzou) refers to something artificial/man-made, while 慈愛 (Jiai) refers to love/affection. The kanji in her name can be interpreted as “Artificial Love” in reference to her persona being an act, since she isn’t capable of feeling real love.
- Jiai represents the denial and anger stages of grief.
Kairo Nami
- ✦ Height : 5’7’’ (175 cm)
- ✦ Age : 17
- ✦ Birthday : February 20 ✦
- Height : 193 cm / 6’3 ft
- ✦ Pronouns : she/her
- ✦ Personal Pronoun : 私 / Watashi
- ✦ Family Members : Manbushi Masaji (慢武士政治), Jinzou Jiai (人造慈愛), Onkai Saki (音械咲機)
- ✦ Likes : Peace and quiet, DJing
- ✦ Dislikes : The spotlight, rule breakers, discord
- ✦ Fighting Style : She is mostly a passive fighter, being support instead. Using her cables, she can jack into anyone and anything. She can either boost their already pre-existing abilities, sort of like a humanoid amplifier. She can also control them like puppets, making them follow her every command until that connection is severed.
- She is based on the Bargaining and Depression stages of grief.
- Her design is based on a jellyfish.
- 回路 Kairo means circuit, in reference to her various cables and her artificiality.
- 波音 Nami means sound wave.
Nami is the mature and gloomiest member of Regis☆3, often being the backing vocals. As her stage presence isn’t as big as her sisters, she is often looked over in favor of them. Though, she still has a devoted cult following amongst the fans. She often wants to maintain the peace at home, afraid of angering her ‘younger’ sister or father. She appears altruistic, making sure both her sisters are okay after battle, though during battles against the Harmonies, she is nothing but such. She mutters curses under her breath at them, calling them ‘rebellious scum’ in a low tone.
Much like Jiai, she is created after Saki is made (though she is created after Jiai had been made as well, making her technically the youngest idol). After Saki leaves to join the Harmonies and Jiai is defeated in battle, she too, loses her mind, and her worst traits become amplified, much like her sister. She dawns a mourning veil and black clothes, something akin to Mascara streaking down her cheeks. She becomes enraptured in grief, deluding herself into thinking that her sister had been brainwashed by the harmonies, attempting to get her back via controlling her with her wires and trying to slot the microchip into her.
✦ Extra info & Trivia :